Neuropathy refers to a damaged, diseased, or dysfunctional nerve, which covers a large group of conditions. Of the different types of neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy is by far the most common.
Peripheral neuropathy develops from exposure to toxins and underlying health problems such as:
Diabetes causes more cases of peripheral neuropathy than all other conditions. If you have diabetes, keeping your blood sugar within the normal range is the only way to stop neuropathy from getting worse.
The symptoms you develop depend on which nerves are damaged:
Sensory nerves carry information about pain, temperature, pressure, body position, and other senses from your body to your brain. When neuropathy affects the sensory nerves throughout your body, you have symptoms such as pain, tingling, burning, and numbness.
However, a few specialized sensory nerves cause other symptoms. For example, the vestibular nerve relays sensory information that controls balance. If this nerve suffers damage or inflammation, you develop vertigo and dizziness.
Motor nerves deliver information from your brain to your muscles. Damaged motor nerves result in muscle-based symptoms such as cramps, weakness, and atrophy (muscle loss).
These nerves automatically control essential functions such as your heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and breathing. As a result, damaged autonomic nerves cause many possible symptoms, from a rapid heart rate and nausea, to changes in body temperature and profuse sweating.
Your provider at Link Neuroscience Institute first determines if you have an underlying condition causing the neuropathy. If you do, your treatment begins by addressing that condition.
In most cases, treating the underlying problem gives the nerves time to heal and your neuropathy improves. Many patients need some combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and physical therapy.
In addition to taking care of the underlying condition, your provider also treats your symptoms so you can get relief from the pain or other problems. This part of your treatment may include structured exercise, medications, interventional therapies, or minimally invasive surgery.
At the first sign of pain or tingling, call Link Neuroscience Institute to get early treatment that prevents progressive nerve damage. Call the office or book an appointment online today.